giving tuesday

Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement that encourages people and organizations to donate their time, money, or resources to charitable causes. Here at SHIELD616, we rely on end of the year donations to help support our mission and provide upgraded protective armor to first responders and agencies in need. Below are ways you can become involved:

  • Thank a first responder for their service and sacrifice.
  • Volunteer to help spread the word about our mission or come to a presentation to be a support team/ prayer partner. Reach out to to find out how you can participate.
  • Donate to help fund the equipment these agencies need to help keep their officers, deputies, and firefighters safer.  Your donation can make a potentially life-saving impact.

This year you can make a donation to honor a loved one. If you aren’t sure what to get for someone who has everything, donating in their honor is the perfect gift! It’s more important than ever before to show our love and support for first responders and this is one more way to do it.